Sacrifice anno 2020

02. Jun, 2020


It's a word that has crossed my mind a lot lately.

And the reason is simple.

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Why did Chrome win over Firefox?

10. Apr, 2020

Why did Chrome win over Firefox and Mailchimp over Activecampaign and Apple over Microsoft?

Well no one can give a clear answer, and my analysis might sound stupid but this is what I think:

Feelings. It's all about how they make you feel.

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Calculating the average amount of free time

07. Jan, 2020

They say you spend 1/3 of your adult life at your job.

It's meant to scare you and make you aware that life is also elsewhere but your job.

But 1/3 doesn't seem right to me. 

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A little reflection on winter in the Nordics and elsewhere

28. Nov, 2019

Dark, heavy, cold weather. We all feel it.

Since we all feel it, it made me curious about what effect it has on our minds.

I have no answer but these are my ideas. Read More →

Quarter Life Crisis

14. Nov, 2019

Nothing is cool enough. Things are not epic. My life feels repetitive.

And I feel like such a spoiled and ungrateful bastard for having these feelings.

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Elitism dilemma

20. Oct, 2019

I feel good when I am around people who inspire me. And usually, but definitely not always, that means people who have success in some form.

Success is a positive thing, and I understand people who strive for it. It feels familiar.

But at the same time I have a really big problem with elitism. I can't stand it.

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The world is even less fair than I thought

08. Sep, 2019

The world is even less fair than I thought

If you had problems as a child you might run into a lot of issues as an adult too. It seems the privileged people who had a stable, healthy upbringing and gifted with good looks really have it easier.

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A very 2019 reflection

08. Sep, 2019
Things I want to do before 2019 ends:

  1. Start a thinkers club with friends
  2. Fix up my apartment
  3. Join a new community
  4. Find a new weekly sport

And how do I feel these days? Weirdly good. That's the answer I would give.

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A speech of hunger for a 30 heads agency

22. Jan, 2019

I gave this little speech at the beginning of 2019 to our awesome Morning Train team.

"2019 looks like the easiest year yet on paper.

We "only" have to grow close to 50% and reach 15 mio in revenue.

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A contradiction for the 2019 entrepreneur

03. Jan, 2019

Two modern ideas seem to control my actions or my drive.

"Live here and now" is everywhere. We are constantly reminded that life is now and that you have to live in the moment. And if you are not enjoying yourself there is something wrong and you gotta change it.

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Karsten Madsen

This is my public diary. My passion is to build cool novel things. My dream is to improve ethics in this world.

Go to my "about page" if you want to read a longer story :)
