A little reflection on winter in the Nordics and elsewhere

28. Nov, 2019

Dark, heavy, cold weather. We all feel it.

Since we all feel it, it made me curious about what effect it has on our minds.

I have no answer but these are my ideas. 

I think our reactions to this winter is interesting and possibly mind changing.

When it is dark we put up a light. And cold can be conquered by clothes. Heavyness is an interesting one though.

You can't really fight it.

But we can learn to endure it. And endurance seems like an important skill to have.

So maybe in that regard we should be thankful for this cold dark weather?

And what are the downsides?

Again, I don't know, but maybe our capacity for melancholy and pessimism (some would say reality check) is increased by it. It would make sense to me at least.

In a way I kind of like that though. In my opinion truthfulnes and keeping yourself real are better things to strive for than purely optimism.

This is not meant as a North vs South rant. I think we can learn a lot from cultures everywhere. It is a reflection on the winter and what it does to us other than just making us complain ;)

                            ';;;;;;:.  :`                

Karsten Madsen

This is my public diary. My passion is to build cool novel things. My dream is to improve ethics in this world.

Go to my "about page" if you want to read a longer story :)
