2020 vs 2021

03. Jan, 2021

This is the post where I look at how my personal development in 2020 went and where I make my new years resolutions for 2021.


The goals for 2020 were to 

  • Finally start my Thinkers Club
  • Learn about our climate crisis
  • And start doing something about it personally

I achieved all of that and more. I would say 2020 is the year where I managed to gain the most new and interesting knowledge. A fantastic learning year.

Apart from the climate I learned a lot about our humanitarian challenges, what role NGO's play in them, challenges and benefits of remote work (still learning) and a much richer understanding of our global economy, namely how it developed in the last 200 years, and how it might develop in the next 50 years.

But most importantly I managed to persuade (to their credit, it was suprisingly easy) the leadership of my companies into fighting for the good of humanity. It is now part of our vision and mission statement and everyone is excited about it. A dream come true. Not just talk, but real money, real efforts, real change. For example becoming Co2 negative in 2021 will happen.

So yeah 2020 was in many ways a start of something new for me. An adventure that will unfold over the next 10 years. Something that excites me at the highest level. I already had a purpose, but now it has become finetuned. I think I will dedicate another blog to that topic at some point in 2021.


2021 is in many ways a year where I continue what I started in 2020. I hope to scale up learning. These are my goals for 2021:

  • Get exhaustive knowledge about "good" companies and NGO's.
  • Invest substantial money into good and green causes
  • Become a better copy writer
  • Become a better communicator
  • Become a Python programmer (noob)
  • Continue the long pursuit of mapping the world to better understand our challenges and goals as a species.
                            ';;;;;;:.  :`                

Karsten Madsen

This is my public diary. My passion is to build cool novel things. My dream is to improve ethics in this world.

Go to my "about page" if you want to read a longer story :)
