The life of young people

01. Jan, 2015

We sit and listen. We learn. We are formed.

In our free time we mingle with each other. We play. We dance.

We care about the here and now. The next exam. The next party. The next girl/guy.

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5 technology outcomes of 2014

30. Dec, 2014

2014 is coming to an end and technology wise it has been a mixed year in my opinion. In generel, not a lot of mainstream breakthroughs have seen the light of day, but it seems like many industries have been building up this year. Here are 5 Examples:

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My opinion about politics

15. Oct, 2014

I used to be a member of youth politics. I have always had a mix of libertarian and European conservative opinions. A few years ago I dropped out of politics. It no longer interested me.

The reason? I wanted to take part in shaping the future. The future has always interested me a great deal. It is a place where dreams can come true. It all depends on our level of ambition. We have a choice and choices are always interesting.

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The return of respect

15. Oct, 2014

What's up with the headline? It's a wish - it's a hope. Did we ever lose respect? I'm not totally sure, but it seems like we did, when you read the books from a different time. But it really doesnt matter that much.

Life is gritty, its egoistic. We basically share no empathy with people who we can't benefit from. But maybe that's ok. 

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Karsten Madsen

This is my public diary. My passion is to build cool novel things. My dream is to improve ethics in this world.

Go to my "about page" if you want to read a longer story :)
