What's up with the headline? It's a wish - it's a hope. Did we ever lose respect? I'm not totally sure, but it seems like we did, when you read the books from a different time. But it really doesnt matter that much.
Life is gritty, its egoistic. We basically share no empathy with people who we can't benefit from. But maybe that's ok.
It's the lack of respect that is not ok to me. If we don't like or care for some people or situations, we should at least deal with them with dignity and courtesy. Sometimes I forget how to do that, maybe cause I have very few people around me to inspire me to do just that. I have seen too many little lies, too many egoistic choices, the little things that we all allow cause they are small and insignificant. But it seems our standards lowers with them.
And as we have learned - slow change makes us blind.
I know I need to get concrete by now. The best way I can do that, is to present how I see a more respectful environment take place:
Madsen’s respect manifesto
- I want to always answer people. Never ignore!
- I want to treat strangers with the respect they deserve.
- I will ask to help instead of only help when asked.
- I will not play the blame game if it holds no positive outcome.
- I will always take the blame if I deserve it.
- I will make people around me feel respected by noticing their presense.
Dignity! It's all about dignity. I will improve my own dignity by praising the dignity of others around me.
It’s so hard to remember in the rushed daily life. And when we meet people who are the very opposite of what we try to be, it gets even harder. Personally I will learn by reminding myself until it becomes a habit. It’s a long journey…
This all fills me with passion. A hope for a life where we can rise high by the common belief that we are all worthy for it. And why not? Why shouldn't the majority be worthy? That should be a strong yes, but I feel we have work to do for that to truly happen.
It starts with showing respect.