Good greed

18. Mar, 2023

It must be depressing to be a die-hard woke/socialist. You have to remind yourself every day that human nature is wrong and needs correction.

Greed is evil. "Survival of the fittest" even worse. 

But even if I don't believe these things are inherently evil, I still get depressed sometimes when I think about human nature.

The selfishness, the "group is right" mentality (nazis/communists showed us how far that can go), the conformity and the constant washing of hands "it was not my fault because of x" and several other patterns that annoy the hell out of me (and yes, I am also guilty here)

But where I disagree with the die-hard socialists, is that I don't wanna fight a fight I cannot win.

If human nature is fixed, not modifiable, then why even try?

Greed is a center piece of Darwinism. It's also the one thing all socialists hate. It will end bitter for them, since greed is here to stay, I believe.

So the way I see it, and a way for me to escape my depressive thoughts is this:

Le'ts accept what can't be changed and instead find escape routes for human betterment.

I was happy to see that the smart Helena Cronin seems to agree with me here (and is waaaaaay ahead of me in this topic):

"Certainly, human nature is fixed. It's universal and unchanging... If you want to change behavior, just change the environment. And, of course, to know which changes would be appropriate and effective, you have to know those Darwinian rules."

So my action from here is to start thinking of ways the basic human nature could lead to an amazing future.

Greed is a central place for me. As I see greed everywhere in my work life. 

Investors are the easy example. They are so greedy you can smell it.

But what that greed also enables is progress. Money is thrown at problems because the solution yields more money.

So greed solves problems. (test)

This is probably the main reason why humans have a far better life today than ever before.

Next stop: The planet and our environment.

What if we could use this egoistic greed for the good of the planet?

We already start seeing signs of this everywhere, as companies like Tesla have shown just how much money there is in the green revolution.

Governments have a big role to play here, but otherwise this problem will solve itself through greed, I believe. The question is just how bumby the ride will be?

But this is all very high level talk.

I think on the individual level we are in a big void of positive greed enablers.

OK, so some governments gives you money if you buy green cars and solar panels etc.

What if there was an app for your phone that made being eco-friendly like a big massive game that everyone would play and try to win? And if you won there would be lots of money and fame to be gotten?

You could imagine something like a point system for green initiatvies and behaviour and then towns or even streets within towns would play against each other to come out on top.

If you could trigger a huge amount of dopamine around solving the biggest problems on the individual level, that could be a big big mover I believe.

So to me, this is an example of good greed.

I think our future utopias will be shaped by good greed. 

And our dear socialists/woke will continue to fail "correcting" human nature.

                            ';;;;;;:.  :`                

Karsten Madsen

This is my public diary. My passion is to build cool novel things. My dream is to improve ethics in this world.

Go to my "about page" if you want to read a longer story :)
